Amazon Giving Options

Want to support a specific ministry? Here's how! Each ministry has an amazon list with items that will help that ministry, whether that be helping to support a big project, help supply day to day items, or help donate to a specific cause!

  • Want to help support our early childhood ministry? Follow the Amazon link below to find items to help support the children’s class rooms.

    Amazon List

  • Want to help support our kids ministry? Follow the Amazon link below to find items to help support the kid’s class rooms.

    Amazon List

  • The women’s ministry is currently collecting clothing donations for Townsend elementary families who are in need of support. 
    Amazon List

  • Our food pantry is open on the 2nd Sunday of every month. We help provide groceries to families in need.

    If you wish to help provide food for our food pantry you can see Mrs. Terri for a list of items or follow the Amazon list below.  Amazon List

  • Want to help support our Sunday Scool ministry? Follow the Amazon link below to find items to help support the Sunday school class rooms.

    Amazon List

  • Want to help the homeless community? We’ve partnered with the organization,

    Joe’s Addiction, to help provide goods to those in need. Amazon List