Upcoming Events

Listed Below are any upcoming events and activities happening throughout the church!

  • Valentine's Sweethearts Banquet

    Whether you're BFF's, Newlyweds, Dating, or Married forever. join us for a relaxing and fun evening! We will have a 3-course dinner buffet, live music, games, and entertainment. Tickets are $40 for two tickets. Free childcare will be available. Tickets will be available to purchase before and after service on Sundays. Please see Terri or Chelsea for details!

  • Valentine's Banquet Fun!

    Have you ever wondered what your favorite green guy does when it's not Christmas? He come to SFC's Valentine's Banquet! Cause a little mischief among your friends, $5 is all it takes! Make sure the green guy creates chaos to the friends of your choosing by seeing Chelsea!

  • Women's Bible Basics

    Join our women's Ministry the second Saturday of each month as we cover different Bible basics. Each class with follow a different theme whether its Bible memorization, Bible Journaling, and so much more! Please see Lacey Davis if you'd life more information. 

  • Women's Ministry Bread making Class

    Join us for a time of fellowship all while learning a new life skill! Who doesn't love bread? Please see Lacey Davis for more information on how to register for this class!

  • Women's Tea Party

    Join us March 8th for our annual women's tea party! We look forward to another year of fellowship, tea, elegance, and plenty of yummy treats. Please see Lacey Davis for information on how to register.